Monthly Activities

Part of the fun of membership in AVQ is the many monthly activities available at guild meetings.  These activities include fabulous speakers and the workshops they teach for us, the making and drawing for Block of the Month quilt blocks, participation in Community Quilts, the wonderful collection of quilt books available in our Library, sharing of member quilts at each meeting, and the sharing of Display blocks at meetings and in the community.    For details, please read the descriptions below and feel free to visit the tables at the guild meetings.

Speakers and Workshops:

AVQ has a guest speaker at most monthly meetings.   For a small fee, members may attend the accompanying workshop.   See our Programs & Workshops page for more information on upcoming speakers and details about the workshops.

Block of the Month:

Block of the Month is a favorite guild activity. Each month at the guild meeting, one-block kits are available for a nominal fee. The kits come with excellent instructions and a contact name and number if you have questions about the block. You are to return the completed block the following month.  Your name is entered into a drawing held that very day and you are eligible to win enough of the blocks to make a wall hanging or a small wall quilt. Repeat participants tend to be repeat winners!
Photo Gallery
For more information, contact the Block of the Month Chairperson.

Community Quilts:

Community Service is an important part of guild membership.  Each member is encouraged to complete one or more quilts during the year for donation to various service organizations.  Kits may be picked up at the guild meetings.  Completed quilts, quilt tops, and kits are returned when completed. The completed quilts are donated every December to local service organizations. This activity is a major focus for the guild and experience is not a requirement. For more information about Community Quilts and Community Outreach, see our Community Outreach page or contact the Community Quilts Chairperson.


AVQ has a large selection of quilt books, stencils and videos available to its members. Members may reserve items in advance and have them waiting for you at the next meeting. It is also great fun to browse through the many book containers before the meeting begins or during the break. You do need to promptly return the borrowed item at the next meeting. We encourage you to submit ideas and requests for materials to purchase for the library. For a complete listing of our library see our Library page.  For questions or more information, contact the Librarian.


One favorite guild activity takes place almost every meeting. Our members come forward, introduce themselves and share their recent creations.

Afterwards the guild historian is standing by to take a picture of the proud creator and their project.  Sharing pictures are uploaded to a gallery each month for everyone to enjoy.