Our guild is great because we have many great members who work together to make things happen.
One of the best ways to enjoy Amador Valley Quilters is to jump in and make things work. You can participate on any level you choose from chairing a committee (or grab a friend and co-chair) – to working on a committee. You do not have to reinvent the wheel as the jobs are very well organized. Most of your duties are spelled out for you in a handbook.
Leadership Opportunities
Click here to discover ways you can lead, or co-own committee responsibilities.
Individual Contributor Opportunities
Click here to discover bite-size ways to get involved and contribute to the guild.
In April, AVQ selects new officers and the president-elect then appoints committee chairpersons. To volunteer for one of these at that time, you can access the electronic form here to submit prior to the March meeting. The elected and appointed positions and their brief descriptions are listed below. Feel free to contact the current officers and committee chairs if you want more information.
Elected Officers Nominated by the AVQ Nominating Committee
President | Preside at all meetings: chair the Board meetings: give annual reports at the May meeting; and appoint the chair of each committee. Responsible for (2) storage locker keys. |
Vice President | Act as the President’s aide; perform the duties of the President in her absence; responsible for layout of the general meeting and for special events. Schedule visiting guilds’ Opportunity Quilt, receive the bookmarks/postcards advertising our sister guilds quilt shows, as well as other information. |
Secretary | Keep an accurate record of the proceedings; in charge of correspondence; keep a list of AVQ property and job descriptions. Keeps extra keys to storage locker and post office box. |
Treasurer | Collect and disburse all funds; maintain the official records and present them for inspection annually; give the financial report at meetings; and propose a budget to the Board. Obtain appropriate insurance forms each year. Prepare all necessary tax returns. Working knowledge of QuickBooks and Excel. |
Committee Chairs
Program | A two-year commitment. 1st year – Program Planning: make and secure contracts for speakers and workshops. 2nd year – Program Speakers: secure travel, housing, meals and introduce and set up speaker at meeting. Detail-orientation and follow-through important. Work closely with Workshop Chair and Program Planning Chair. |
Workshops | Work directly with Program Chairperson, reserve workshop location, promote workshops, take sign-ups and stay in touch with teacher for class samples, etc. Staff workshop table at monthly guild meetings taking registrations, give a report at the General and Board meetings, and put monthly articles in the newsletter. Set up workshop space and take care of instructor’s needs for the workshop day. You must be comfortable using email. |
Newsletter | Publish and distribute a monthly newsletter called the Amador Rose in electronic and hardcopy formats. Familiarity with Microsoft Word, Publisher or similar program is essential, as is ability to search the internet for and incorporate non-copyrighted graphic images. Assistance to prepare hard copies for mailing is very helpful. Plan to spend about two whole days a month receiving and responding to emails, editing and laying out articles, and preparing the final versions of the newsletter. |
Community Quilts | Manage overall operation of Community Quilts committee. Includes receiving donations of completed quilts, quilt tops, and fabric. Works with the community quilts team to categorize and bag the quilts by size and fabric genre. Coordinates the distribution of quilts with the Liaisons and our agencies twice a year. Works with Hospitality at the Holiday Brunch making our agencies feel welcome and encouraging them to speak about what it means to receive the quilts. Work with the Alameda County Fair Liaison to provide quilts for raffle as a fund-raiser. Purchase batting, labels, bags, and supplies as needed. |
Library | Tend the boxes of books owned by AVQ library. Process new acquisitions by making cards and adding them to the master list Excel. Check out books during the meetings, dispose of outdated materials, and maintain online catalog. Organize members to take home and bring books back to monthly meeting; this committee needs several members to spread the load, literally and figuratively. |
Hospitality | Coordinate “Sharing” part of monthly guild meetings when members’ show their quilts. Provide set up and refreshments for AVQ social events throughout the year including AVQ Birthday in February, Lemonade Social in July and Holiday Brunch in December. |
Welcoming | Host a welcoming luncheon once a year. Greet new members at monthly meetings and answer their questions. Provide Friendship Group and AVQ general information to new members. Maintain Friendship Group list and make available to Newsletter, Web Master, and President. |
Block of the Month | Choose block for each month. Select, purchase and prepare fabric packets to be sold at monthly meeting. Collect money and hold a monthly drawing for participants. |
Publicity | Send out monthly notifications to local newspapers about our regular guild meetings and special events so quilters who are new to town can find us. Create the tri-fold information sheet which is distributed at AVQ outreach events. Comfortable corresponding via email. |
Quilt Show | Manage overall operation of hosting the Quilt Show. Secure location, select committee, general trouble shooting. This may be a shared chair. |
Membership | Receive and collect new/renewing membership applications and fees; maintain a database of address, phone number and email of all members and affiliates; provide a monthly update of membership data changes to the newsletter and e-mail committees; produce a yearly membership directory and nametags and provide them to all members; prepare a check-in sheet and guest and oops nametags for monthly meetings. Attend monthly meetings to monitor membership and guest check-in. It is necessary for the Membership chairperson to have a working knowledge of File Maker Pro. . The Membership chair needs to maintain count of attendance for quorum voting. |
Historian | Maintain a pictorial history of meetings and events including sharing. Create a photo book for the current president. Make copies of sharing photos available for members on the web site. |
Parliamentarian | Be familiar with the By-laws and Policies and Procedures of AVQ and with Roberts Rules of Order. Attend monthly Board and General Meetings. Chair By-Laws Committee and Policies & Procedures Committee in odd numbered years or as necessary. |
Webmaster | Manage the website and its updating as appropriate either using information provided by Board members or training them to update their own material. Technical knowledge needed in this position |
Retreat | Manage overall operation of the Retreat. Select a time, venue, and program. Select committees to organize the event including budget, registration and instructors as needed. |
Opportunity Quilt | Design and oversee construction of opportunity quilt to be raffled in following year. Oversee ordering and selling raffle tickets, manage scheduled appearances of quilt. |